If you have just gotten a dog as a pet, you will want to take steps in ensuring it is kept healthy while you are enjoying its companionship so it lives a long, happy life. Taking care of your dog's teeth is an important part of daily hygiene that you will need to pay attention to so bacteria does not buildup within your dog's mouth, causing heath risks and bad breath. Here are some tips to use when taking care of your dog's teeth.
Brush Each Day
Just like with human teeth, a canine can have tartar and plaque build up on their teeth leading to periodontal or gum disease. Brushing your dog's teeth will help you remove these substances before they can cause havoc. Do this each day if possible using a toothbrush specifically set aside for your pooch's usage. While there are canine toothbrushes on the market, a toothbrush for humans will work fine. Your veterinarian can prescribe or recommend a toothpaste for you to use to brush your dog's teeth.
Whisk Away Bacteria
There are a few products on the market that can help with the removal of bacteria from your dog's teeth. Give your dog a rawhide or knucklebone treat to gnaw upon as these will naturally increase the saliva in your dog's mouth, which aids in the removal of bacteria that can cause a buildup on the teeth. Plastic chew toys will also have the same result as they will encourage increased saliva.
Use a canine dental pad to remove grime from around your dog's gum line between brushing sessions. These pads will quickly remove food particles from the mouth before they have the chance to harden on to the surfaces of the teeth. If you do not have one handy, wrap a piece of gauze around your fingertips and use it to wipe away any particles from the mouth. Keep your dog's water bowl filled at all times so they can wash away bacteria in between meals.
See The Doctor
Since your dog cannot tell you when they are suffering from pain in the gum area, it is your job to do weekly checks for inflammation or redness. If you notice your dog is having difficulty eating, along with suspect-looking gums, bring your pet to an emergency veterinarian right away to see if they have an infection causing the symptoms. Teeth may need to be pulled to alleviate the condition, or medication can be prescribed to help remove the bacteria from the area.